各位同学: 我怀着无比悲痛的心情沉痛的悼念应晓新同学,他是我班年龄最小的同学之一,没想到英年早逝,这给我们活着的同学敲响一个警钟,善待自己,生命高于一切,希望各位同学加强锻炼,珍惜生命。钱多钱少都没关系,事业成功失败也无妨,重要的是活着。
— 王少华
1958年6月5日出生于南京市,1965年春随母亲去溧水东屏中学,1965年在方便小学就读1971年在新生中学初中就读,1973年在东屏中学就读,1976年分配于东屏供销社糕饼房工作,1978年2月在清华大学自动化系就读,1981年考取清华大学硕博连读,1989年获得博士学位,同年留在清华大学自动化系执教,1995年在香港中文大学工程管理系执教二年,1997年赴美国,在Millennium Technologies Group公司,该公司后改名为Primeon Inc 就职十二年直到他病倒。
Xiaoxin got his Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Ph.D of Engineering from Automation Department, Tsinghua University. Since then, he stayed in Tsinghua University for nine years. He was an associate professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Tsinghua University after receiving a PhD from the same department. Xiaoxin went to the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1996 as a visiting scholar. In September 1997, Xiaoxin joined Millennium Technologies Group in Massachusetts, USA, which later renamed as Primeon Inc., as the Principal Software Architect. Xiaoxin was involved in providing solutions and technical QA for web security review and assessment. His responsibility was identifying problems, reviewing technical reports and processing final QA. Previously, he was leading a group of developers for several web application projects in BEA’s Weblogic and ATG’s Dynamo server platforms, participated in early technical discussions with clients to determine project architecture, conducted comprehensive comparative review of a wide array of web products, and performed system administration and technical troubleshooting for other programmers. Before year 2000, he identified and remediated Y2K problems for an assortment of financial institutions; wrote tools to streamline the process; completed project on schedule under difficult time constraints. Xiaoxin was a pioneer in Y2K software remediation which affects all Wall-Street firms.